Guinea Pigs!

If you want a fun pet, that is friendly and soft, then Guinea Pigs are perfect! You don’t have to worry about forgetting to feed it, because it will tell you if it’s hungry (in no uncertain terms). They are fun to play with and can be fun to watch.

One thing you have to watch though is that you feed them the right types of food. Guinea pigs have a 3 part diet, pellets, fresh fruits/veggies, and the staple, timothy hay. Usually, fresh fruits are more of a treat than a necessity, unlike timothy hay, which the guinea pigs will need everyday.

Another thing to consider before you get a guinea pig, is that it (they) will need a lot of space. you’ll have to purchase a large cage, so that there will be ample scamper room. If you go to my links widget, you can find a link called “If you want a guinea pig.” It will take you to a site with guinea pig stuff.

Finally, the last thing to consider before you get a guinea pig, is that you’ll probably need 2. Guinea pigs are incredibly social animals that will need someone to play with. I suggest that you get 2 females, probably from an animal rescue. There are many guinea pigs waiting to be adopted and that need a good home.

6 thoughts on “Guinea Pigs!

  1. Guinea pigs are interesting. I once pet sit one, and it was odd. The little thing was making this shrieking noise that made me think it was in pain, and I sort of freaked out. They would be a fun animal to have, I envy you.

  2. While I don’t have and never plan to have a guinea pig, this seems interesting, brief, and fairly informative for proud new owners of guinea pigs. Good post.

  3. Kyle, the shrieking noise it made was it trying to tell you something, it was probably hungry, thirsty, or craving some Timothy hay

  4. I bet they are fun, and full of energy. I wish I could play with one, but my dog would probably eat it.

  5. I think my dog would freak a guinea pig out too if I had one, and I don’t think I want a dead guinea pig in my house, so I pass.

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